

Fukuno Yotaka Festival (Paper Lantern Parade Festival)

Date:The festival is held every year from May 1st to May 3rd. It is held from 6:00 PM to midnight on the 1st and 2nd with the main events being held on May 3rd starting in the early morning.
Address/Fukuno City Center
Phone/0763-22-1120(Fukuno Yotaka Matsuri Liaison Council)

The Yotaka Paper Lantern Parade is held on May 1st and 2nd. There you can hear the sounds of Yotaka drums and the rhythmic shouts of strong, young voices ring through the street. The highlight of the festival is the “float battle” that is held on March 2nd at 11:00 PM where groups of young people try to destroy each other’s floats to the beat of wooden clappers. On May 3rd, floats from the 4 towns of Nanto visit Shinmeisha Shrine, and portable shrines are paraded throughout the city for the Fukuno Hikiyama Festival.